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Business, Technology and System Integration Consulting Services


Trading Risk Management Solutions expertise

TRM solutions are highly integrated software solutions that support managing the front, middle and back office areas of a trading entity. Fact is special terms and organizational structures are quite different but the front office is commonly dealing with trade capture and position management, the middle office with valuing, managing and reporting various risk indicators/figures based on related trading business and the back office deals with confirmations, settlements and accounting aspects. Moreover, usually logistics functionality is provided with some of the Energy/Commodity TRM solutions giving the ability to its respective users to forecast, schedule, manage and account for volumes of the energy/commodity product that shall be physically moved from the source location through to the final customer. Furthermore, physical asset oriented entities sometimes require price and demand forecasting as well as optimization components to their TRM solutions in order to manage most efficiently their portfolios and assets. With regards to the Banking & Finance industries, financial TRM systems usually include a treasury, cash management, collateral management, order management as well as other relevant components.

Below a quick overview of the most common TRM and sector abbreviations:

  • ETRM (Energy Trading and Risk Management) refers to the entire end-to-end process of managing the full transaction lifecycle of an energy trade. In this context, energy trading means acquiring and selling energy products like natural gas, electric power, CO2 emissions, coal as well as other products, the associated credit & risk management activities as well as the handling of the logistics/transfer of the energy products.


  • FTRM (Financial Trading and Risk Management) much like the ETRM/CTRM it refers to end-to-end process of managing the full transaction lifecycle but unlike the above it is associated mainly with financial markets’ products (equities, bonds, options, credit derivatives, etc.).
  • CTRM (Commodity Trading and Risk Management) much like the ETRM it refers to end-to-end process of managing the full transaction lifecycle but unlike the above it is associated mainly with commodity products (crude oil, refined products, grains, metals, etc.). Often, the two terms ETRM and CTRM are used interchangeable in the context of a TRM solution.


  • Together the ETRM/CTRM/FTRM systems are often also referred as Transaction Lifecycle Management Solutions.


Our goal is clear and focused – to assist energy, commodity and financial trading organizations with meeting their increasing demands with regards to high profitability, rigorous portfolio, credit & risk management, cost efficiency, audit proof and regulatory compliance across their business and IT operations. In today’s rapidly evolving financial/energy/commodity markets, companies are facing both new risks and market opportunities. We have compiled a very brief list of questions that are common for the industry and summarize well what some of the areas EMC helps its clients with are:

  • How to measure and improve my transaction lifecycle and business process management?
  • Do I need a TRM system within my organization? Why and how will I go about searching for it?
  • How will our current systems and processes need to be changed to manage new systems, risks and capture new market opportunities?
  • How to introduce new products into my ETRM/CTRM/FTRM system by minimizing the IT/operational cost for the company?
  • How to improve the current decision-making processes and overall trading performance by introducing real-time position management solutions and other decision support tools?
  • How to improve our risk management practices? How rigorous and state of the art are they?
  • How to minimize process failures/errors due to manual interaction – reduce operational risk?
  • How to improve our IT performance and cost-efficiency at the same time?
  • How will new international accounting & other rules (IFRS, GAAP, REMIT, EMIR, etc.) affect my financial statements and overall operations?
  • How to improve process visibility and provide audit compliance across operations?
  • How will emerging legislation affect my business and portfolio of assets?


Being a Premium Partner with one of the worldwide leaders in TRM software solutions, we at EMC have the unique advantage to be part of and contribute towards the very latest trends & initiatives in the sector. Since years, we at EMC have been a project partner in some of the largest ETRM/CTRM implementations in Central and Eastern Europe. Our experienced professional services team has worked on multiple global, international as well as local TRM projects and has successfully established the quality of EMC’s TRM Practice on the European market.

Our proven track record in the TRM consulting, integration and testing areas allows us to aim to be your Most Valuable Partner starting from the evaluation/selection of the TRM solution and working with you every step of the way towards achieving the targeted predefined results of a successful integration and utilization of the chosen TRM solution as well as reaping the benefits of the newly established robust processes across your organization. EMC’s teams of experienced Business Consultants, Technical Analysts, Project Managers, Testing Engineers and Developers have worked with the most preferred systems in the industry. Reducing your overall risk, gaining unprecedented insight and control of your physical and financial trading with advanced real-time position monitoring and audit proof reporting as well as high-end Business Process & Decision Support management capabilities are just some of the major features of a correctly done implementation of a modern TRM system.

For more details on our professional services please see the following link: EMC Business, Technology and System Integration Consulting Services

Trading Risk Management Solutions expertise

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TIBCO expertise

Software Development expertise